Tuesday 4 November 2008

Reflective Diary Entry 2

Mobile Learning

The objectives of this lecture were:
• Will mobile learning make a difference?
Mobile Learning is related to e-learning and distance education, however is distinctly focusing on learning with mobile devices. Mobile Learning decreases the limitations of learning locations with the mobility of general portable devices.

I think mobile learning will make a difference as it opens up the opportunity for more interactive learning outside the classroom whenever the students wants to learn. I personally own a blackberry and when it came to passing my driving theory test I downloaded the sound files of the questions and answer. This meant I could listen to them on the way to work, during my lunch break and on the way home. I don’t believe I would have passed without this function. It was a much more interesting way to learning and meant I wasn’t just sat at a desk with a text book.

• What might the key differences be?
The key difference of Mobile Learning is the word ‘Mobile’. Students have access to this learning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Students already have access to this device in there pocket, it does not mean parents having to fork out for new and expensive equipment. Another key difference is the interactive nature of this learning. Technology is always changing; education should not be left behind. Students need to feel what they are learning will benefit them and there is a fun element of learning from your mobile in the form of games and quizzes.

• What might the benefits be?
Mobile Learning increases self directed study and introduces the responsibility of learning. Teachers could set the students homework using a mobile learning feature and the students will probably complete this homework over their traditional style homework. Mobile Learning can also be used across the board of subjects, not just ICT as you may think.

Other than my driving theory test, I have never encountered Mobile Learning and didn’t really think that was what I was doing. I hope to be able to introduce some form of mobile learning to be students in the future as i feel it would benefit and excite them through a new way of learning.

I, Stewart Fraser and Amanda Forster created a PowerPoint using GoogleDocs about whether the use of technology is making fundamental changes to how we teach and learn.